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~ you deserve a life filled with joy ~
Finding joy these days may not be as easy as it was when this pandemic fiasco started. Do you remember when we were making bread with a huge smile and getting on Zoom videos with vigor? Well, that quickly came to an end when we realized that a pandemic has no expiration date. And with that knowledge, we are having to learn how to find joy in everyday rituals.
For me, I found joy in my cup.
Choosing my coffee cup and slowly enjoying my liquid boost each morning brings me so much joy. I open the cabinet, search for the cup with the best saying for the day, and I fill it with more creamer than coffee. Then, I smile. I smile at the inspiring message on my cup and the caramel color of my homemade "joe". I smile after the first sip. I smile when my hand wraps around the warm mug. I smile when I can see the bottom of the cup. Add all these small moments together, and I'm in pure joy at 8am (okay okay maybe more like 10am).
1. What are some small everyday tasks that you do that bring you joy?
2. What are you excited to do each day even though it's considered one of those mundane activities?
3. What makes you smile each time you have to do it?
The best thing you can do each day is embrace more joy. Find an everyday activity and make it your JOY RITUAL--the action you take when you want to smile more. Do it more often. Make it special and sacred. Stir up your joy one ritual at a time.
You've been wondering what the secret is to success. Well here it is. Success and confidence are the married couple that's lasted for 50+ years, and they aren't breaking up any time soon. Whether you have a wealth of life knowledge or a wall filled with degrees, confidence makes the difference in how successful you FEEL and BECOME. You can read all the books and listen all of the YouTube videos, but it's going to be your own power that takes you to the top. I'm sure of it.
Your CONFIDENCE is the key that will unlock the door to your success. Confidence is learning to stand in your power and ON your power. They say knowledge is power, and I truly believe that what you know helps you build your internal power (even if it's knowing that you are amazing just as you are). We stand in our power by trusting what we know, what we can do, and what we have already done. We stand ON our power by using what we know, what we can do, and what we have already done to accomplish even more bodacious things.
Confidence is understanding that your authority is in your authenticity. The more authentic you are, the more confidence you possess, and the more authority you demand. When you build your confidence, you build your empire. Confidence will take you further than any degree might ever. If you are feeling less confident these days, I want you to take a minute and dig deep into your "I'm the shit because..." bag and pull out what makes you uniquely different and audacious. Confidence is knowing that whatever you need it's already inside of you.
1. Keep things simple. What you share with the world doesn't have to be complex. Complexity does not equate to intelligence. Albert Einstein said it best, "smart people simplify things." I am going to add my own two cents right here and say, "people who lack confidence complicate things."
2. Show up as yourself. I know Nike says "just do it", but trying to "do it" like someone else is a surefire way to lower your confidence. Many times, not being authentic is the antithesis to being confident. Be you. Those who love the REAL YOU will definitely find their way to you.
3. Know your knowledge. This is where the work comes in for all of us. Study, study, study. Write, write, write. Recite, recite, recite. However you learn, you gotta do the work to know your shit. Confidence comes from being well-versed in whatever it is you are sharing with the world. Even if it's wisdom from life experience, be clear about what you believe, what you know to be true, and how you impact others when they come in contact with you.
4. Get in your comfort zone. Now hear me out. I know everyone says "get out of your comfort zone", but in this case you need to get into your comfort zone to fiercely stand in your confidence after you build it using 1-3. Try to operate only from a place of complete comfort. I'm talking about physical comfort here. If you aren't into high heels, don't wear them. They will create an energy of uncertainty around you, and your confidence levels will decrease. Lace up your Converses and wear them if they will make you feel like a BOSS. If you're not into the suit and tie thing, go ahead and wear your blazer and jeans to boost your confidence. If you're unsure about this one go back to #2.
Confidence is learning to be yourself and know your shit. Confidence is understanding that what you have to offer is exactly what they will need. Confidence is taking yourself serious enough to bet on yourself. Confidence is understanding that you are the secret to success.